The orient…the home of the elusive and mysterious secrets of the asian female. Their sexual prowess and agility have infected men of the West with ‘yellow fever’ for years. Now the answer to this has come in the form of Asian Snatch Movies. These hot asians sluts can’t get enoughContinue Reading

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You’ve heard about these people on TV news reports and in glossy magazine stories… they’re swingers. People just like you and me, with the only difference being they have the balls (and ovaries) to reach out and take what they desire. Personally, I thank God for these courageous souls. ButContinue Reading

Everybody was Kung-fu FUCKING! The almond-eyed, slender-framed, subservient beauties of the Orient have always held men in their erotic thrall, and their exotic mystique is on full display at Asian Snatch. Here you’ll find the most complete collection of Asian-related hardcore that I’ve ever come across, and I mean thatContinue Reading